Working together for care we can all count on.

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Welcome to the official site for the Protect Our Care Act. Discover how this vital legislation strengthens healthcare rights, ensures affordable access, and protects patients nationwide. Join us in our mission to safeguard healthcare for every American. Learn more about the Act’s impact and how you can support our cause.

Since the pandemic is near its end, we are glad to annouce that our network is expanding and we are planning new events to be announced soon. We have also upgraded our IP infrastructure to be ready for the new challenges ahead.

Using like we do at our HQ of Protect Our Care as the IP address of your router has several benefits. It is a private IP address, which means that it is only accessible within your local network and is not directly reachable from the internet. This provides an additional layer of security for your network. Additionally, is a commonly used default IP address for many router brands, which makes it easy to remember and use.